- 15:52, 1 (january) 2024 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, MediaWiki:Donate) (parentheses: create message for donation link) (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:50, 1 (january) 2024 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, MediaWiki:Sidebar) (parentheses: Created page with "* navigation ** mainpage|mainpage-description ** Project:About|about ** Project:Featured articles|featured ** randompage-url|randompage ** https://www.patreon.com/higps|donate * Interaction ** helppage|help ** Project:Projects|projects ** recentchanges-url|recentchanges ** Special:NewPages|newpages ** Special:NewFiles|newfiles * Balance Mod ** Mantra ** Categeory:Weapons|Weapons * Manned Machines **Category:Machines|Machines **Category:MM_Maps|Maps * Community ** http...") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:42, 1 (january) 2024 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Bmod:Projects) (parentheses: Redirected page to Bmod:About#projects) (tag-list-wrapper: 2, (tag-mw-new-redirect) (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:39, 1 (january) 2024 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Bmod:Donate) (parentheses: Created page with "#REDIRECT https://www.patreon.com/higps") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:36, 1 (january) 2024 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Mantra) (parentheses: mantra conversion from html => md => wikitext) (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:26, 23 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, MediaWiki:Common.css) (parentheses: Created page with "CSS placed here will be applied to all skins: @import url("https://beta.bmod.tf/assets/styles/links.css");") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:26, 22 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Category:Weapons) (parentheses: Created blank page) (tag-list-wrapper: 2, (tag-visualeditor-switched) (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:25, 22 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Category:Pyro weapons) (parentheses: Created page with "Category:weapons") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 10:51, 22 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:Preload test) (parentheses: Created page with "hello world i am text") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 10:03, 22 (december) 2023 (logentry-rights-rights: Zarlo -old (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Zarlo -old, Tumble, (rightsnone), (group-interface-admin-member: Tumble), Tumble)
- 16:53, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:Stub) (parentheses: created template stubb) (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:48, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Bmod:About) (parentheses: Created page with "''Geeps got idea, Geeps said "Idea good"'' This is a wiki. ==Projects== Here is a list of wiki related projects we're working on; * Project:Every_item_and_machine ==Team== User:higps - Visionary user:zarlo - Server Admin/Bureaucrat User:tumble - Creates Templates and categories") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:33, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:External Links) (parentheses: Created page with "{|class="plainlinks" style="width:50%; margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto" |[http://bmod.tf Website] |[https://discord.gg/czyBYnVn9j Discord] |[https://www.patreon.com/higps Donate] |[https://www.bmod.tf/servers/?sort=4-desc/ Servers] |[https://www.twitch.tv/higps Twitch] |[http://www.youtube.com/higpstf2 YouTube] |}") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:18, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:Edit link) (parentheses: created edit link) (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 16:13, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:Latest Updates) (parentheses: added news) (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:19, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-move-move: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:News Item, Template:News item)
- 15:19, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:News Item) (parentheses: Created page with "* {{{1}}} [[{{{2}}}]] [{{{3}}} {{{4}}} <noinclude> ==Usage== <pre> {{news item |December 16, 2023 |Manned Machines |Stickler got nerfed! (again!) |https://www.bmod.tf/posts/updates/mm/mm-update-89/ }} </pre> {{news item |December 16, 2023 |Manned Machines |Stickler got nerfed! (again!) |https://www.bmod.tf/posts/updates/mm/mm-update-89/ }} </noinclude>") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 14:47, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Template:Mbox) (parentheses: Created page with "<div class="mw-message-box-{{{type}}} mw-message-box"> <strong>{{{title}}}</strong><br> {{{text}}} </div> <noinclude> todo: use #if <div class="{{#if:{{{type|}}}|mw-message-box-{{{type}}}|}} mw-message-box"> {{#if:{{{title|}}}|<strong>{{{title}}}</strong><br>|}} {{{text}}} </div> </noinclude>") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 14:31, 21 (december) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, Bmod:Every item and machine) (parentheses: Created page with "This is a project to create pages for ever item and machine and categorise them. == Templates == The tenmplates to be made should be Mox for notifying of things like if a page needs expantion, infobox for quick info cards about stuff and navbox for groupping things in categories. == Machines == These are the playable characters in manned machines, these should have nice descriptions amnd their pros and cons and abilities == Weapons == This should show their stats...") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-wikieditor))
- 15:36, 20 (december) 2023 (logentry-newusers-autocreate: Tumble (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Tumble, User:Tumble, 7)
- 03:01, 16 (december) 2023 (logentry-newusers-autocreate: Kaleb@punksky.com (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Kaleb@punksky.com, User:Kaleb@punksky.com, 6)
- 22:23, 28 (october) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Higps (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Higps, Manned Machines) (parentheses: Created page with "Manned Machines is a custom gamemode created by Heavy Is GPS | Bmod.TF and Icebear. The mode features an assymetric mode where one team consists of giant robots and the other consists of humans. The Robot Team are fewer, and there are usually 3 humans per robot in the game.") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-visualeditor))
- 00:24, 21 (september) 2023 (logentry-newusers-autocreate: Higps (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Higps, User:Higps, 5)
- 13:44, 8 (september) 2023 (logentry-newusers-autocreate: Rgb4 (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Rgb4, User:Rgb4, 4)
- 04:35, 8 (september) 2023 (logentry-create-create: Zarlo -old (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Zarlo -old, User:Zarlo) (parentheses: Created page with "may or may not be a person") (tag-list-wrapper: 1, (tag-visualeditor))
- 01:55, 8 (september) 2023 (logentry-newusers-autocreate: Zarlo -old (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), Zarlo -old, User:Zarlo -old, 3)
- 01:51, 8 (september) 2023 (logentry-create-create: MediaWiki default (talkpagelinktext) (contribslink), MediaWiki default, Main Page)