System messages

This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
action-createpage (talk) (Translate) create this page
action-createtalk (talk) (Translate) create this discussion page
action-delete (talk) (Translate) delete this page
action-delete-redirect (talk) (Translate) overwrite single revision redirects
action-deletechangetags (talk) (Translate) delete tags from the database
action-deletedhistory (talk) (Translate) view metadata of deleted history entries
action-deletedtext (talk) (Translate) view deleted text or changes between deleted revisions
action-deletelogentry (talk) (Translate) delete or undelete specific log entries
action-deleterevision (talk) (Translate) delete or undelete specific revisions of pages
action-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this page
action-editcontentmodel (talk) (Translate) edit the content model of a page
action-editinterface (talk) (Translate) edit the user interface
action-editmyoptions (talk) (Translate) edit your preferences
action-editmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) edit your private information
action-editmyusercss (talk) (Translate) edit your own user CSS files
action-editmyuserjs (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JavaScript files
action-editmyuserjson (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JSON files
action-editmyuserjsredirect (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects
action-editmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) edit your watchlist
action-editprotected (talk) (Translate) edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-sysop}}"
action-editsemiprotected (talk) (Translate) edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-autoconfirmed}}"
action-editsitecss (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide CSS
action-editsitejs (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide JavaScript
action-editsitejson (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide JSON
action-editusercss (talk) (Translate) edit other users' CSS files
action-edituserjs (talk) (Translate) edit other users' JavaScript files
action-edituserjson (talk) (Translate) edit other users' JSON files
action-gadgets-definition-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget definition
action-gadgets-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget JavaScript or CSS page
action-hideuser (talk) (Translate) block or unblock a username, hiding or unhiding it from the public
action-history (talk) (Translate) view the history of this page
action-import (talk) (Translate) import pages from another wiki
action-importupload (talk) (Translate) import pages from a file upload
action-ipblock-exempt (talk) (Translate) bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
action-managechangetags (talk) (Translate) create and (de)activate tags
action-markbotedits (talk) (Translate) mark rolled-back edits as bot edits
action-mergehistory (talk) (Translate) merge the history of this page
action-minoredit (talk) (Translate) mark this edit as minor
action-move (talk) (Translate) move this page
action-move-categorypages (talk) (Translate) move category pages
action-move-rootuserpages (talk) (Translate) move root user pages
action-move-subpages (talk) (Translate) move this page, and its subpages
action-movefile (talk) (Translate) move this file
action-nominornewtalk (talk) (Translate) not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
action-noratelimit (talk) (Translate) not be affected by rate limits
action-oathauth-api-all (talk) (Translate) check OATH status
action-oathauth-disable-for-user (talk) (Translate) disable two-factor authentication for a user
action-oathauth-enable (talk) (Translate) enable two-factor authentication
action-oathauth-verify-user (talk) (Translate) verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled
action-oathauth-view-log (talk) (Translate) access to log of two-factor authentication changes
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