Gotham Protector
- model: models/bots/heavy/bot_heavy.mdl
- class: Heavy
- shortdescription: Gain buffs on class punch. Immune to tickle and Uberchain
- name: Gotham Protector
- deathtip: GP cannot be tickled or Uberchained\nTanks can be stunned by shields and stomps\nTanks take double melee damage
- role: Tank
- subclass: Tank
- tips: Immune to tickles\nBecomes ubered briefly when hit by an ubercharged medic's ubersaw\nYou can't contest objectives
- health: 5000
- health_bonus_per_player: 75
- difficulty: 1
- airblast vulnerability multiplier: 0.1
- cancel falling damage: 1.0
- rage giving scale: 0.75
- cannot pick up intelligence: 1.0
- increase player capture value: -1.0
- head scale: 0.95
- damage force reduction: 0.0
- dmg from melee increased: 2.0
- attach particle effect: 35.0
- skin: 0
- killstreak tier: 1.0
- damage bonus: 1.15
- fire rate bonus: 1.2
- melee range multiplier: 1.35
- move speed penalty: 0.9
- dmg penalty vs buildings: 0.35
- shake on step: amplitude=2.5 frequency=1.0 range=400.0
- shake on hit: amplitude=10.0 frequency=2.0 duration=0.5