Balance Mod


This article need expanding

The Balance Mod is a Mod for Team Fortress 2 that introduces new features and re-balances all of the unbalanced weapons in the game.

Certain weapons have been completely reworked and function very differently from the vanilla game. This mod has quick update cycles, which allows us to test small changes often. Drop by our discord if you have ideas, we'd love to hear'em! See our testimonial page for what some players thinks of this mod. This page contains information to everything that is new and vastly different than the official game. For a a full comprehensive list of all the changes see the Balance Update Notes or check the Modded weapons page.

To see servers running this mod, see the balance mod page



Replaces the canteen with a balancinator

  • Unzip the contents in your tf/custom folder
  • Will only work on servers that allows custom models

Download Balancinator Canteen skin

Dragon's Fury & Manmelter particle fix File:Dfmfix.webp

Fixes the effects that's in your face

  • Unzip the contents in your tf/custom folder
  • Will only work on servers that allows custom particles

Download Dragon's Fury & Manmelter Particle Fix

New Stuff


File:Engiboard.webp File:Engipads.webp

When normal teleporters are of no use, engipads steps in!

  • Use +attack3 to change between Engipad and teleporter mode
  • Rotate teleporter to change between speed and jump configuration
  • Mix and match jump pad and speed pad as you see fit on the fly!

Spy Sprint

Spy Sprint is a new mechanic that allows spy to run at spy speed regardless of disguise. How to use Spy Sprint:

  • Bind +attack3 to a key via console or options
  • Holding key to run at max spy speed regardless of disguise.
  • Works great with Your Eternal Reward
  • Will override any speed boost from taking effect while held


Throw-able Red-Tape Recorder

You can now throw the red-tape recorder like in Meet the Spy!


  • Sapper deconstructs buildings


  • Press reload to throw the sapper!
  • Thrown Red-Tape Recorder only disables buildings and deals 0 damage
  • Attached Red-Tape recorder no longer deconstructs
  • Attached Red-Tape deals -80% damage to buildings
  • Attached Red-Tape is removed in one hit
