
From bmod


  • model: models/bots/soldier_boss/bot_soldier_boss.mdl
  • class: Soldier
  • shortdescription: Rapid fire Bazooka
  • name: BazookaJoe2002
  • deathtip: Attack BazookaJoe during his long reload
  • role: Damage
  • subclass: Rockets
  • tips: Long reload\nReduced self damage\nShoot at your feet and jump to glide!
  • health: 3500
  • health_bonus_per_player: 40
  • difficulty: 1


  • ammo regen: 100.0
  • move speed penalty: 0.6
  • damage force reduction: 0.4
  • airblast vulnerability multiplier: 0.4
  • airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier: 0.1
  • cancel falling damage: 1.0
  • self dmg push force increased: 2.0
  • rage giving scale: 0.75


The Beggar's Bazooka

  • skin: 0


  • dmg penalty vs players: 0.8
  • maxammo primary increased: 2.5
  • killstreak tier: 1.0
  • clip size upgrade atomic: 37.0
  • fire rate bonus: 0.35
  • faster reload rate: 6.5
  • projectile speed decreased: 0.7
  • dmg penalty vs buildings: 0.15
  • projectile spread angle penalty: 6.0
  • auto fires when full: 1.0
  • rocket jump damage reduction: 0.05


  • reload full clip at once: 1.0