Free Damage Flames Pyro Wamo

From bmod


  • Name: Wamo
  • Class: Pyro
  • Role: Damage
  • Subclass: Flames
  • Health: 3000
  • Health Bonus Per Human Player: 28
  • Short Description: Plhogistinator, Manmelter
  • Tips: Additional Uber after activating MMMPH\nHeal 200 when extinguishing with the Manmelter
  • Death Tip: Wamo has additional Uber after activating MMMPH
  • Scale: 1.75
  • Difficulty: 1
  • Model: Robot Boss Model - Small head

Player Attributes

Airblast Vulnerability Multiplier 0.8
Ammo Regen 100.0
Cancel Falling Damage 1.0
Custom Attributes Player
Oncondadd-Addcond oncond=44 duration=3.0 addcond=52
Damage Force Reduction 0.8
Head Scale 0.85
Move Speed Penalty 0.65
Override Footstep Sound Set 2.0
Rage Giving Scale 0.75


The Manmelter
Custom Attributes Weapon
Extinguish-Health-Gain HealthGain=180 StaticMax=1 ShowGain=0
The Phlogistinator
Dmg Penalty Vs Players 1.5
Extinguish Restores Health 200.0
Projectile Speed Decreased 0.75