Free Sniper Carbinecassidy

From bmod


  • Name: Carbine Cassidy
  • Class: Sniper
  • Role: Sniper
  • Subclass: Sniper
  • Health: 1250
  • Health Bonus Per Human Player: 60
  • Short Description: Headshotting Carbine
  • Tips: Carbine crits on headshot
  • Death Tip: Carbine Cassidy is weak to any kind of flinching
  • Difficulty: 3
  • Model: Robot Regular Model - Normal head

Player Attributes

Airblast Vulnerability Multiplier 1.0
Ammo Regen 100.0
Cancel Falling Damage 1.0
Damage Force Reduction 1.0
Head Scale 0.8
Move Speed Penalty 0.6
Override Footstep Sound Set 2.0
Rage Giving Scale 0.75


The Cleaner'S Carbine
Clip Size Bonus 0.3
Crit Dmg Falloff 0.0
Dmg Penalty Vs Buildings 0.5
Dmg Penalty Vs Players 1.8
Fire Rate Bonus 0.85
Headshot Damage Increase 2.0
Hidden Secondary Max Ammo Penalty 2.0
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Lunchbox Adds Minicrits 1.0
Reload Time Increased 1.5
Weapon Spread Bonus 0.0
Skin 0