Pootis Engage Blue

From bmod



  • Name: Pootis Engage Blue
  • Class: Heavy
  • Role: ZBOSS
  • Subclass: Hitscan
  • Health: 6500
  • Health Bonus Per Human Player: 60
  • Short Description: Go get those anime thighs, my boy.
  • Tips: Do stuff
  • Death Tip: You are dead. \nNot big surprise.
  • Team Coins: 2
  • Robot Coins: 50.0
  • Difficulty: 2
  • Model: Robot Boss Model - Small head
  • Player Conditions: {'TFCond_MiniCritOnKill': ' Mini-crits effect: Duration: Infinite duration', 'TFCond_Ubercharged': ' Invulnerability, removed when being healed or by another Uber effect: Duration: 1.0 second'}

Player Attributes

Attribute Value
Airblast Vertical Vulnerability Multiplier 0.1
Airblast Vulnerability Multiplier 0.4
Ammo Regen 100.0
Cancel Falling Damage 1.0
Cannot Pick Up Intelligence 1.0
Damage Force Reduction 0.4
Hand Scale 1.2
Healing Received Penalty 0.0
Health From Healers Reduced 0.0
Health From Packs Decreased 0.0
Increase Player Capture Value -1.0
Rage Giving Scale 0.75


Attribute Value
Dmg Penalty Vs Buildings 0.5
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Maxammo Primary Increased 8.0
Melee Attack Rate Bonus 0.6
Mod Weapon Blocks Healing 1.0

The Awper Hand

Attribute Value
Clip Size Upgrade Atomic 8.0
Dmg Penalty Vs Buildings 0.8
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Maxammo Primary Increased 8.0
Mod Weapon Blocks Healing 1.0
Override Projectile Type 2
Projectile Speed Increased 1.6

The Family Business

Attribute Value
Damage Bonus 1.1
Dmg Penalty Vs Buildings 0.2
Fire Rate Bonus 0.5
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Maxammo Primary Increased 8.0
Mod Weapon Blocks Healing 1.0
Reload Time Decreased 0.7
Spread Penalty 1.2

See also: