
From bmod



  • Name: Rezz-A-Rezz
  • Class: Pyro
  • Role: Damage
  • Subclass: Melee
  • Health: 3000
  • Health Bonus Per Human Player: 100
  • Short Description: Neon Annihilator, Swim on hit
  • Tips: Summon the aquatic life to deal with your foes!
  • Death Tip: Get rotated idiot
  • Difficulty: 1
  • Model: Robot Regular Model - Normal head

Player Attributes

Attribute Value
Airblast Vulnerability Multiplier 0.6
Ammo Regen 100.0
Cancel Falling Damage 1.0
Damage Force Reduction 0.5
Deploy Time Decreased 0.05
Head Scale 0.8
Move Speed Penalty 0.9
Override Footstep Sound Set 2.0
Rage Giving Scale 0.75

Gas Passer

Attribute Value
Dmg Bonus Vs Buildings 0.25
Fire Rate Penalty 0.85
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Melee Range Multiplier 1.25
Minicrit Vs Burning Player 1.0
Speed Boost On Hit 1.0
Weapon Burn Dmg Reduced 0.5

Custom Attributes Weapon

Attribute Value
Spawn-Fireballs damage=10.0 range=350.0 projectiles=6 firetime=5.0 angle=359 only-yaw=1 random-spread=0

Neon Annihilator

Attribute Value
Dmg Bonus Vs Buildings 0.25
Fire Rate Penalty 0.85
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Melee Range Multiplier 1.25
Minicrit Vs Burning Player 1.0
Speed Boost On Hit 1.0
Weapon Burn Dmg Reduced 0.5

See also: