The Blitzkrieg

From bmod



  • Name: The Blitzkrieg
  • Class: Soldier
  • Role: ZBOSS
  • Subclass: Rockets
  • Health: 8000
  • Health Bonus Per Human Player: 200
  • Short Description: TOTAL BLITZKRIEG
  • Tips: Operation Scum-Limination!\nKill Zhem All. You have a parachute to support you in battle.
  • Death Tip: Pray to God
  • Team Coins: 2
  • Robot Coins: 50
  • Difficulty: 2
  • Model: Robot Regular Model - Normal head
  • Player Conditions: {'TFCond_DefenseBuffNoCritBlock': ' MvM Bomb Carrier defense buff (TFCond_DefenseBuffed without crit resistance): Duration: -1.0 seconds', 'TFCond_Ubercharged': ' Invulnerability, removed when being healed or by another Uber effect: Duration: 1.0 second'}

Player Attributes

Attribute Value
Airblast Vertical Vulnerability Multiplier -1
Airblast Vulnerability Multiplier -1
Ammo Regen 100.0
Cancel Falling Damage 1.0
Damage Force Reduction 0.0
Healing Received Penalty 0.0
Health From Healers Reduced 0.0
Health From Packs Decreased 0.0
Increase Player Capture Value -1.0
Rage Giving Scale 0.2
Self Dmg Push Force Increased 3.4


Attribute Value
Critboost On Kill 10.0
Killstreak Effect 2006
Killstreak Idleeffect 3.0
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Rocket Jump Damage Reduction 0.0

The Air Strike

Attribute Value
Attach Particle Effect Static 64
Auto Fires Full Clip 1.0
Clipsize Increase On Kill 26
Dmg Penalty Vs Buildings 0.5
Energy Weapon No Deflect 1.0
Fire Rate Bonus With Reduced Health 0.4
Killstreak Effect 2006
Killstreak Idleeffect 3.0
Killstreak Tier 1.0
Maxammo Primary Increased 2.5
Mod Crit While Airborne 1.0
Parachute Attribute 1.0
Reload Time Increased 0.25
Rocketjump Attackrate Bonus 0.25

Warpaint Id: Kill Covered

See also: