Captitan Concho

From bmod
Revision as of 13:58, 17 March 2024 by Higps (talk | contribs) (Updating robot details for Captitan Concho)
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  • model: models/bots/soldier_boss/bot_soldier_boss.mdl
  • class: Soldier
  • shortdescription: Increased Healing Concheror
  • name: Captitan Concho
  • deathtip: Avoid getting or place yourself far away to negate or reduce the healing on damage done.
  • role: Damage
  • subclass: Rockets
  • tips: You have extended banner duration
  • health: 3500
  • health_bonus_per_player: 60
  • difficulty: 1
  • rc_cost: 20.0


  • ammo regen: 100.0
  • move speed penalty: 0.5
  • damage force reduction: 0.4
  • airblast vulnerability multiplier: 0.4
  • airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier: 0.1
  • cancel falling damage: 1.0
  • self dmg push force increased: 2.0
  • rage giving scale: 0.75


  • start-with-charge: amount=100.0


The Original

  • skin: 0


  • health regen: 12.0
  • increase buff duration: 2.5


  • custom buff type: concho-banner

The Concheror

  • skin: 0